We had a beautiful time with our children in Kikimi. Thanks to dear Marco who loaned us his car, we were able to bring all the extra food and utensils needed to cook a meal for all 70 children. The kids had a fun time with all the activities while waiting for the food to be ready. Enjoy some of the pics.


Kids dressing up and acting out the Christmas story.

Thanks to the extra donations of food we received, we were able to make about the double amount of food packages we usually give the orphans. Thank you so much, all of you dear donors, for your sacrifice in sharing and giving. We know the Lord will bless and reward you for it and see that you never lack as you continue to share with those in need. And a big hand to Mme Colon and her two children who spent the whole day with us and were a tremendous help in packaging and distributing all the food. We couldn't have done it without their help. Mme Colon's daughter had just landed in Kinshasa for the first time the previous day. God bless her for jumping right in!

Thanks to a sweet Portuguese lady who lives in Kinshasa, we were able to serve fruit juice to all the children. At first, they were hesitant to drink it as many of them had never had juice before.

Dear Madlen and Florence spent hours cooking for all 70 children. We had to bring charcoals stoves, pots, plates and tons of water with us to be able to cook this meal, besides all the ingredients. In Kikimi village, people usually walk for 3 hours to go and fetch water.

A true mouthful!

70 plates of food!

Mike serving out the food to the children.

"Yummy, yummy!"
Just to give you an idea of the amount of food we had to buy to feed all these children, one of our friends here loaned us his truck.

Fisca unloading food

Madlen in front of truck