For the occasion, we invited all of our Active Members to join us. It was a precious time to start the New Year in this way, praising and praying together, in anticipation of all the Lord has in store for us in the year to come. May He help us to be vessels of His love to all those we will meet as we rededicate our lives to Him.
May you have a very fruitful and fulfilling New Year, rising above the difficulties that surround you, and bringing hope and life to many. Thank you once again for all of your help, support and prayers, without which our work in the Congo would not be possible. We feel honored to have such generous friends and partners in Christ, and know that, in helping to further God's work, you are investing where it really counts, and where God will repay with greater dividends you can even imagine, both in spiritual riches and in the assurance that you are in His loving care. We look forward to another year of partnership with you. May God bless you!