Project Hope is a non-profit missionary-based humanitarian association consisting of individuals who dedicate their full-time to voluntary work, using our abilities to the fullest in service to others. We are non-salaried volunteers who are dedicated to the common goal of spreading God’s love and improving people’s lives.
Our Mission: Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all members of the community, especially those who are poor, suffering, or disadvantaged. We invest in today’s children—the leaders of tomorrow—by providing knowledge and character-building education and guidance to help strengthen them, their parents and their communities.
We have found that love for our fellowman has to be shown in a tangible way. Ours therefore is a mission of love, to help those in need by whatever means available to us, be it material (clothing, feeding, medical, education) or spiritual (a helping hand, word of encouragement or a listening ear and strengthening their faith in a God Who loves and cares for them). We believe in preaching the Gospel and distribute a large amount and wide variety of faith-building and life-changing publications to those who thirst and hunger after righteousness.
Education, Training and Development: In all of our programs, training and education is the central element. Our greatest commitment is to invest in the future by doing all we can to help teach and train today’s children, by conducting AIDS awareness seminars, character building, preventative health awareness, Christian children’s curriculum and more. We organize training seminars, workshops and development courses in areas such as parent/teacher training, youth motivation, community project implementation, Christian leadership training programs, and Bible studies groups. etc…
Medical Aid Project: During the year 2006, thanks to a grant received from Family Care Foundation (, we conducted a pilot project with 15 AIDS patients of the “IKHAYA LOBOMI” AIDS hospice, sponsoring their lab tests and medication. Out of 15 patients, 4 got healed and 5 are on their way to recovery.
Children’s Support Project: We have organized numerous projects in orphanages, AIDS hospice and schools throughout Kwazulu Natal and have started a project in Kisenso, Kinshasa with 98 orphaned children. These include the distribution of items and supplies sorely needed in these institutions such as food supplies, educational equipment and clothing in an attempt to raise the standard and better the conditions for children’s development and education. Thanks to the donations of local businesses and a small grant from Family Care Foundation, we were able to build a basket ball court for Khulane Khale children’s home in 2006, and living quarters for the girls in 2007.
Our Support: We are a self-supporting non-profit work made possible by the generous help of individuals and companies interested in helping to make this world a better place and supporting a voluntary effort such as ours!
Thank you for your support. God bless you.