During the year 2006, thanks to a grant received from Family Care Foundation (www.familycare.org) we conducted a pilot project with 15 AIDS patients, sponsoring their lab tests and medication, following the South African INOCHI natural remedy. Having witnessed the miraculous effects this treatment was having on the patients of the “IKHAYA LOBOMI” AIDS Hospice, we wanted to conduct a scientific documentation over a one year period in order to prove its positive effect. Below are the results we were able to gather.
Progress Report: We were faced by many challenges, such as: the patients who were enrolled in this project all had families, and did not want to declare their HIV status because of the strong stigma attached to it in the rural areas (people get ostracized and get despised by the local community). The law has also tightened up about declaring one’s HIV status, therefore it was not possible to take photos of the individuals. The HIV/AIDS outpatients could not be kept under constant medical monitoring. Since they have dependents, they could not stay at the hospice for months and definitely not for a year. Hence, they were not able to benefit from the proper nutritious food items that we supply to the hospice. Once they got better, they either looked for jobs elsewhere or lost interest in the project. One of them has gone back to her old life style, resulting in getting re-infected. Therefore, the testing of these patients has become inconsistent.
We are encouraged by the fact that 4 patients got healed and 5 patients are improving. The 2 patients who passed away did so after having gone back to anti-retroviral treatment. This clearly proves that Inochi and ARV cannot be used simultaneously. We were saddened that 4 of the patients moved and were unable to continue with the project.
According to Mrs. Patience Mavata, this pilot project can be the basis of further research on testing other HIV/AIDS patients and improving their lives.
This project also highlighted the fact that even a miraculous treatment as Inochi is not sufficient to eradicate AIDS, without proper education and evangelization that will motivate people to change their lifestyle.
We are encouraged by the fact that 4 patients got healed and 5 patients are improving. The 2 patients who passed away did so after having gone back to anti-retroviral treatment. This clearly proves that Inochi and ARV cannot be used simultaneously. We were saddened that 4 of the patients moved and were unable to continue with the project.
According to Mrs. Patience Mavata, this pilot project can be the basis of further research on testing other HIV/AIDS patients and improving their lives.
This project also highlighted the fact that even a miraculous treatment as Inochi is not sufficient to eradicate AIDS, without proper education and evangelization that will motivate people to change their lifestyle.