Earlier during the week, we got word that one of the orphaned girls, Martha, was very ill with malaria. We had to rush her to the hospital and it turned out that she had thyphoid fever at the same time. We sent out a prayer request for her to all our friends, while doing the necessary to get her the medication she needed.
When we went to Kikimi today to distribute the food to the children, we noticed she was not there. So we went to her house (she has been staying with her grand mother since her parents passed away) to give her food and also to pray for her. We were happy to see her slowly recovering, but we wanted to ask for your continued prayers for full recovery for her, as she still needs to get 7 more shots to fight the typhoid. Thank you so much.
Also, the pharmacist who used to donate medication for the orphans has been out of town for a while now. So any donations you could make towards medical expenses for the orphans would be a big blessing. Thank you so much in advance.
One of the little orphaned girls who came to collect food today was also ill. We prayed for her healing and donated the medication she needed.