Friday, May 30, 2008

Hello from Congo

We arrived safely in Kinshasa on the 4th of May, welcomed with broad and warm smiles and happy faces.
Even though the Lord has blessed us with a rare internet connection, we still have been having difficulties getting on line, hence the delay in posting these news.

We have met all the Bible students and are very impressed with their faithfulness to study and their love for the Lord. We hold advanced classes every Thursday, and beginners’ classes every Sunday and are now actively involved with teaching and pastoring. It has been a special treat to meet, some for the first time, all of our email students, whom we have taught by email for the past 6 years. Most of them are now strong and active Christians, thanks to the Word they have been reading.

The Lord did supply a Jeep a few months ago, but it is in need of repair, so we have not yet been able to drive to meet the orphans (public transport does not reach where their village is located), but we still bought food for them and Pasteur Theophile got it delivered by “pousse-pousse”. We hope to have the car in shape to go and see them this coming week.

Some views of Congo

The beautiful Congo river.......

...... and some watercolor paintings done by Natalie, our 16 year old daughter.

Note: Someone mentioned to us the other day that the Congo River is the only river in the world where the fish die of old age. Fishing seems to only be done on an individual basis, but has not been developed into any kind of industry.