Saturday, January 5, 2008
Since April 2007, a small team of missionaries from the Family International have pioneered an outpost in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We would like to post here excerpts of their reports to help you see all that the Lord has already done there through them, and also the need for us to go and help them.

Thanks to your prayers and support God helped us to change the lives of 98 orphans in one of the poorest parts of Kinshasa - in Kisenso.
Here is a little insight into the life of these orphans: When their parents die (AIDS, malaria, war, etc) the children are often sent to their relatives in the city who are barely surviving themselves and hardly have enough money to feed their own children. They have basically no funds for health care, much less schooling. After we left Kinshasa in December 2004, fifty orphans died in one year because SABEC didn't have enough resources to care for them. In general if these children survive and manage to grow up, some of them probably end up on the street and join the many existing street children. Kinshasa is supposed to have already about 10 thousand of them and their life is a chapter in itself. In order to stop this vicious cycle we came up with a plan. We didn't just want to "feed them a fish, but rather teach them how to fish".
For the immediate help we bought some food supplies and also got some donated, including some urgently needed medicine for all the children from a dear pharmacy friend. We also bought two sewing machines so they can teach the older kids and earn a little money this way. But our main investment went into an agricultural project. Kinshasa is surrounded by lots of fertile land, so, thanks to various donations we received, we bought two hectares of land near Kisenso plus the tools to clear the field and seeds to plant maize, beans, green vegetables, potatoes and peanuts. The future plan includes breeding fish, raising animals and growing more crops, bananas and fruits. We are also praying for a building for the orphans so they can take better care of them.
Some of the produce will be for immediate use to feed the children, the rest should be sold to buy more seeds for the next crop and to get other supplies for them. This is only the beginning as to support 98 orphans takes a lot and the proceeds of what we started only covers a small amount of what is needed. They need a lot more food plus medical care, school supplies etc so that in the future they can get training i.e. to become farmers instead of looking for jobs which are hard to find.
Here is a little insight into the life of these orphans: When their parents die (AIDS, malaria, war, etc) the children are often sent to their relatives in the city who are barely surviving themselves and hardly have enough money to feed their own children. They have basically no funds for health care, much less schooling. After we left Kinshasa in December 2004, fifty orphans died in one year because SABEC didn't have enough resources to care for them. In general if these children survive and manage to grow up, some of them probably end up on the street and join the many existing street children. Kinshasa is supposed to have already about 10 thousand of them and their life is a chapter in itself. In order to stop this vicious cycle we came up with a plan. We didn't just want to "feed them a fish, but rather teach them how to fish".
For the immediate help we bought some food supplies and also got some donated, including some urgently needed medicine for all the children from a dear pharmacy friend. We also bought two sewing machines so they can teach the older kids and earn a little money this way. But our main investment went into an agricultural project. Kinshasa is surrounded by lots of fertile land, so, thanks to various donations we received, we bought two hectares of land near Kisenso plus the tools to clear the field and seeds to plant maize, beans, green vegetables, potatoes and peanuts. The future plan includes breeding fish, raising animals and growing more crops, bananas and fruits. We are also praying for a building for the orphans so they can take better care of them.
Some of the produce will be for immediate use to feed the children, the rest should be sold to buy more seeds for the next crop and to get other supplies for them. This is only the beginning as to support 98 orphans takes a lot and the proceeds of what we started only covers a small amount of what is needed. They need a lot more food plus medical care, school supplies etc so that in the future they can get training i.e. to become farmers instead of looking for jobs which are hard to find.

In order to help the malnourished orphans in the SABEC Center in Kinshasa, we started a sponsorship program. We calculated that R.100 per child per month would be sufficient to give that child one nutritious hot meal every day (30 meals a month) and thus a better chance to survive as food is their biggest need at the moment.
We would appreciate it very much if you could participate in this most urgent project as well as share this vision with as many people as possible since 10 Euros is not much, yet it can save a child's life! Anyone who would like to sponsor a child will receive the child's picture and we will try our best to enable you to build a personal relationship between you and the children. If you are interested please specify with your standing order (monthly R.100 or yearly R. 1,200) "Sponsorship SABEC", and if you have any further questions please post your comments and details. Please help us to find sponsors for all 96 orphans. Would you like to sponsor one of them? Thank you so much!
We would appreciate it very much if you could participate in this most urgent project as well as share this vision with as many people as possible since 10 Euros is not much, yet it can save a child's life! Anyone who would like to sponsor a child will receive the child's picture and we will try our best to enable you to build a personal relationship between you and the children. If you are interested please specify with your standing order (monthly R.100 or yearly R. 1,200) "Sponsorship SABEC", and if you have any further questions please post your comments and details. Please help us to find sponsors for all 96 orphans. Would you like to sponsor one of them? Thank you so much!

At the same time we are looking for people and companies, who like to support this big project. It helps the SABEC Orphan Center to do something themselves to help the children. So far only a small part of the two hectares land we purchased for them is being used because of our limited means. As you can see on the photos, they had their first harvest, and started now with the second planting season. There is a big need for more seeds, equipment and a little house for somebody to guard the field and goods, as well as for a pond to breed fish, raise chicken, and goats, etc. There are so many possibilities – we are just limited by the means available.
To be more efficient in helping the orphans and the agricultural project we need a good reliable vehicle, as it's very difficult to always have to find someone who can drive us to the outskirts of Kinshasa.
To be more efficient in helping the orphans and the agricultural project we need a good reliable vehicle, as it's very difficult to always have to find someone who can drive us to the outskirts of Kinshasa.

We believe that the only way to really change this world is by changing the hearts and minds of people. Besides the urgent physical need there is a great spiritual hunger in DRCongo. People who are in such a desperately needy situation want and need encouragement, vision, motivation, and it is
our desire to give it to them. They are so precious and thankful for any and all input and our weekly Bible study continues to go well.
The Bible says in Matthew 22:37-40: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." If everybody would keep those two rules - to love God and their neighbors as themselves - there would be no wars, enough food for everybody and people could live in peace. But since this is not the case we have a big job until people learn to live more according to God's Law of Love.
In order to reach that goal we distribute tracts to everybody to spread this message of God's love, sharing and peace. We also distribute the "Activated" magazine by mail, e-mail and printed copies as well as other very helpful educational and spiritually uplifting materials. And for those who want to deepen their personal relationship with God, which a lot of people in the Congo want to do, we offer weekly special Bible Study courses called "12 Foundation Stones". These cover important subjects like Eternal Salvation, the Word of God, Love, Prayer, Hearing of Heaven, the Endtime and Jesus' Return etc.
our desire to give it to them. They are so precious and thankful for any and all input and our weekly Bible study continues to go well.
The Bible says in Matthew 22:37-40: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." If everybody would keep those two rules - to love God and their neighbors as themselves - there would be no wars, enough food for everybody and people could live in peace. But since this is not the case we have a big job until people learn to live more according to God's Law of Love.
In order to reach that goal we distribute tracts to everybody to spread this message of God's love, sharing and peace. We also distribute the "Activated" magazine by mail, e-mail and printed copies as well as other very helpful educational and spiritually uplifting materials. And for those who want to deepen their personal relationship with God, which a lot of people in the Congo want to do, we offer weekly special Bible Study courses called "12 Foundation Stones". These cover important subjects like Eternal Salvation, the Word of God, Love, Prayer, Hearing of Heaven, the Endtime and Jesus' Return etc.

When we explain to people that we work as fulltime volunteers, sometimes they ask where our personal support comes from. Over the years the Lord helped us to build a circle of friends, relatives and supporters, like yourself, who like to support us personally. We are very thankful for all those who help us along those lines especially now as we plan to open up a new mission station in Kinshasa. Another important point is that we live together as a team in one household, and share all expenses, which saves a lot of finances and keeps our budget very low.
So, whichever part of our work you'd like to support, we are very thankful for your help, big or small. We know that God will bless you for it as we have found true in the lives of those who are helping our work, and as He promised in His Word: "There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself" (Pro 11:24, 25).
Please join us in prayer for this wonderful, but broken, war-torn country, and for these precious, and needy people.
God bless and keep you.
So, whichever part of our work you'd like to support, we are very thankful for your help, big or small. We know that God will bless you for it as we have found true in the lives of those who are helping our work, and as He promised in His Word: "There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself" (Pro 11:24, 25).
Please join us in prayer for this wonderful, but broken, war-torn country, and for these precious, and needy people.
God bless and keep you.

The situation with the orphans has improved drastically thanks to your help: instead of two meager meals per week, the 50 orphans in Kisenso are now getting every day a simple breakfast and a good hot meal for lunch! The 50 orphans in Kikimi are getting their share in food packages which we prepare for them since we don't have any cooking facilities there yet. Here we would like to give special thanks to Pastor Theophile and his wife Florence for their untiring sacrificial labors involved in this project.
Besides food, they also need clothing, shoes, a minimum of medicine for malaria etc. Also we would like to provide for them all basic schooling, and the best would be if we could find sponsors for a building for them on our plot of land in Kikimi. So besides the daily food supplies we have plenty of new and big challenges. But we - and the children – are very thankful, that at least their most basic need -- their daily food -- is supplied, thanks to the additional help of local sponsors.
So we would like to keep this sponsorship to R.100 a month per child to now help towards their other non-food needs.
The field project in Kikimi progresses slowly too: along the little brook we started to build three fish-ponds, but need to invest more time, planning and finances before we can start breeding fish. We planted new cassava (African potato), but will have to see how to get the field to produce the most, because the ground is very sandy in this area. Vegetables grow well in the valley near the brook where we can water them well. Between the cassava plants up on the hillside we planted pineapples and they are growing very well. Across the whole field we started to plant different fruit trees, and there is room for lots more. Our thanks go to everyone who supports us in this endeavor and we would like to ask for further support as it will take quite an investment to get this project producing to its full capacity.
The Bible studies every Sunday continue to go well and every week we also have visitors coming over to our home for further studies. We are planning now to start with some "hands on" practical training for the most potential students so that they can actively help us with the enormous need here and get better prepared for their future.
If you would be able to help us find more supporters in your area we would appreciate it very much, as the orphans still need a lot more help to get a better chance in their future lives.
Thank you for your prayers for peace here in Congo! Since we arrived the situation is calm and we continue praying for the stability so that new investments can come and this way more jobs can be created and the life of the poor can hopefully be improved. We pray also for you that the Lord will supply all your needs according to His riches (Phil 4:19).
PLEDGE (please click on comments to answer this pledge).
o I would like to help sponsor one orphan by donating R.100 on a monthly basis.
o I would like to help sponsor your agricultural project by donating R. ____
on a monthly basis.
o I would like to help towards purchasing a vehicle for your team by donating R.______
o I would like to help towards your living expenses to enable you to preach the Gospel by donating R. _____ on a monthly basis.
The situation with the orphans has improved drastically thanks to your help: instead of two meager meals per week, the 50 orphans in Kisenso are now getting every day a simple breakfast and a good hot meal for lunch! The 50 orphans in Kikimi are getting their share in food packages which we prepare for them since we don't have any cooking facilities there yet. Here we would like to give special thanks to Pastor Theophile and his wife Florence for their untiring sacrificial labors involved in this project.
Besides food, they also need clothing, shoes, a minimum of medicine for malaria etc. Also we would like to provide for them all basic schooling, and the best would be if we could find sponsors for a building for them on our plot of land in Kikimi. So besides the daily food supplies we have plenty of new and big challenges. But we - and the children – are very thankful, that at least their most basic need -- their daily food -- is supplied, thanks to the additional help of local sponsors.
So we would like to keep this sponsorship to R.100 a month per child to now help towards their other non-food needs.
The field project in Kikimi progresses slowly too: along the little brook we started to build three fish-ponds, but need to invest more time, planning and finances before we can start breeding fish. We planted new cassava (African potato), but will have to see how to get the field to produce the most, because the ground is very sandy in this area. Vegetables grow well in the valley near the brook where we can water them well. Between the cassava plants up on the hillside we planted pineapples and they are growing very well. Across the whole field we started to plant different fruit trees, and there is room for lots more. Our thanks go to everyone who supports us in this endeavor and we would like to ask for further support as it will take quite an investment to get this project producing to its full capacity.
The Bible studies every Sunday continue to go well and every week we also have visitors coming over to our home for further studies. We are planning now to start with some "hands on" practical training for the most potential students so that they can actively help us with the enormous need here and get better prepared for their future.
If you would be able to help us find more supporters in your area we would appreciate it very much, as the orphans still need a lot more help to get a better chance in their future lives.
Thank you for your prayers for peace here in Congo! Since we arrived the situation is calm and we continue praying for the stability so that new investments can come and this way more jobs can be created and the life of the poor can hopefully be improved. We pray also for you that the Lord will supply all your needs according to His riches (Phil 4:19).
PLEDGE (please click on comments to answer this pledge).
o I would like to help sponsor one orphan by donating R.100 on a monthly basis.
o I would like to help sponsor your agricultural project by donating R. ____
on a monthly basis.
o I would like to help towards purchasing a vehicle for your team by donating R.______
o I would like to help towards your living expenses to enable you to preach the Gospel by donating R. _____ on a monthly basis.
Please deposit your gifts on the following account: Gino D. Volpe
First National Bank
Woodlands Boulevard
Account Number 62047881679
Bank Branch Number 230732
First National Bank
Woodlands Boulevard
Account Number 62047881679
Bank Branch Number 230732
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