Sunday, December 28, 2008

Celebrating Christmas with outpatients at Ngaliema Hospital

We did some Christmas related activities with the outpatient children at Ngaliema hospital, showing the kids the Christmas Treasure Attic DVD, teaching them how to draw an angel, and dressing them up as the Nativity characters, having them perform a simple Christmas play. Children and parents enjoyed it so much that the hospital asked us if we could come back throughout the year to do such activities with their patients. In appreciation, they offered to help us with any medical check ups our volunteers may need, a very big blessing for us!Impromptu Nativity Play with the children

Dressing up the children
Fisca praying with children to receive the best Christmas gift ever--Salvation

Art Activities with children.
And to give credit to whom credit is due, we would like to thank Mike, our photographer, Naomi for playing guitar and keeping us organized, Madlen for buying and cooking all the food for all the orphans, and Joe for making the props for our Christmas play. Thanks, guys, we couldn't have done it without you!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Merry Christmas to you

Our prayer for you this Christmas

Dear one,
There are no gifts we can give you which will fill your heart with all the special things you deserve. So this Christmas we offer this prayer, asking the One who knows us all to give you His very best.
In His great heart of love He knows all we need, and in His love He longs to give us many treasures of the spirit.
Firstly, we pray for your happiness. Not the kind that comes from events or longed-for acquisitions, but deep abiding happiness that will be there even if you have nothing else special going on. The Bible calls it joy, so that is our prayer for you-joy that lasts even when things aren't going just right.
Next we pray for peace in your heart. Now that can sound boring, but we don't mean a lack of excitement, an empty feeling, or surcease from activity or challenge, but rather a sweet knowledge that God is in control, and that He won't let anything happen to you that you and He can't work out together-a quiet certainty that gives you rest inside, even when you are working hard or the pressure's on. Deep peace.
Our prayer wouldn't be complete without praying for you to have faith. Some people think faith means blindness to reality-an overly optimistic outlook that denies the facts. But real faith, the kind we wish for you, is based on the most wonderful realities of all-God and His love and His promises to you. That kind of faith that knows that God wants only the very best for you and has the power to bring it to pass. That kind of faith comes from reading His Word and finding in your heart that you know it is true. That's the kind of faith that moves mountains.
We pray for you to have wisdom and understanding, so that you can look at life around you and then to Heaven above, and find there the answers and explanations and guidance you need-God-given wisdom that gives you patience and faith for others and points the way in difficult moments.
And last but not least, we pray for you to experience love-great love, overflowing love, patient love, wise love, sweet love, fun love, exciting love, purposeful love, abiding love, strong love, encouraging love, God's love in all its wondrous forms.
For all these reasons, God came down at Christmas in the form of a little baby to give us all these things-happiness, peace, faith, wisdom, and most of all, love.
So our prayer is that this Christmas, you will experience these in a greater way than ever before. That you will let that little baby and His message into your life. That you will take the Christ child into your heart, believe His promises, and experience all the wonders He has for you.
We pray all this for you, because we know that Jesus wants to give you these things anyway, because He loves you-and we do too.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Our New Arrival...

On November 5th, 2008, a new born baby girl was abandonned in the rain. A policeman found her and brought her to the orphanage who gave us a call. Wolfgang and Lenka, our dear collegues here, who have been wanting to adopt a baby, went right away to see her, and started the adoption process. They were able to take the baby home right away and care for her, while waiting for the legalities to run their course. So we now have a brand new Congolese baby girl named Anissa. May she grow strong and healthy and blessed.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Graduation Ceremony for Bible Students

On September 28th, we held a graduation ceremony for the 10 Bible students who first completed our Theology Course “the 12 Foundation Stones”. These graduate students will now be able to assist us a lot more in our missionary work, start their own Bible study groups in different parts of the city and multiply our efforts. They will continue to receive further training from us on a weekly basis, but can already start to implement the vision of 2 Timothy 2:2, which is to teach others to teach others. This graduation marks the first step towards the nationalization of our missionary work here in the DRCongo, and we praise the Lord for having chosen such potential labor leaders who have the vision to help change their part of the world with the Love of Jesus, one heart at a time.

Naomi, Malu and Dominic

Ruth, wife of one of the graduates, sang beautifully for the ceremony.

Malu with Libero

Dominic with graduate students.

Godé in between both Alain.

One of our graduates' young niece grabs enthusiastically our beautiful children's devotional books.

Meet our Bible Course Graduates

Nestor (49 yrs, Accountant) and his wife: I am a Christian and I have done a lot of seminars in my life, but I have learned so much more from the 12 Foundation Stones course and the Family International. My vision is to continue to bring more people to follow this course. Like it says in 2Tim2:2, we have to teach others what we have learned. I know it’s not easy here in Kinshasa, many people claim to pray, but many are following doctrines that are not the truth, so we need to bring these people to the real truth.

Malu(26 yrs, Technical Engineer): This course increased my knowledge of the Word, it helped me to witness to others and to better understand the Bible. My vision is to put into practice Marc 16:15 and to reach university students.
I must say that this diploma of Bible knowledge that we receive today is an object of pride for each one of us, so that we can carry the torch and train others, because we have to bring God’s light not only to Kinshasa, but we have to preach the Word into all the world.

Jean-Denis: This course has helped me to get deeper. I had learned some things before and understood them in some way, but not so much in depth. For example, in the class about the 7 ways to know God’s will, I noticed that the Family had added some points, and increased my knowledge of how to find God’s will. Also I never fully understood the signs of the time before, but the Family has taught me very clearly what to expect and what we can do about it.
M vision is to go back to my home province of Kisangani to start a ministry there, as my people need teaching, as many people don’t know the Lord very well.

Bonhey(26 yrs, Engineer): I have learned a lot in this course in the last 2 years, one main thing I have learned is how to share love, that is the most important thing for me, and how to witness. I think it’s the only way to receive God’s blessings is if we witness. In this course a great emphasis was put on witnessing, so that is the main thing for me.
Like 2 Tim 2:2 says, I am going to do all I can to share this Word with others and to teach others what I have learned.

Christoph(33 yrs, Teacher): This course has done so much for me I will lack time to tell it all. It has been a great comfort for me, it has taught me capital lessons, it’s helped me to understand the Bible in depth, and what is Salvation.
I don’t want to keep for myself what I have learned but I want to give it to others. Since I have had the joy to receive this training I will be very happy to give it to others.

Amédée(Lawyer): I have learned a lot with this course, I have learned that God works with broken men and women, and I hope that He has broken us enough to be able to work with us. I have learned a lot about faith, and also how to share His love with others.
God to help me to share all that I have learned, and to show me how to do it.

Alain(30 yrs, Photographer): Personally, this course brought me a lot, it has helped my faith to grow, and the knowledge I have gained from it is different than what I had before. Today I understand better what I must do for God’s work, and what I must not do. I also want to add that the Family has been a great example of faith to me, and I praise God for this.
My vision is to train those who already know Jesus, to help them to grow in faith, and also to tell those who don’t know Jesus that Jesus loves them; and I want to do that for the rest of my life. With all that I have learned, I am now able to train a group of men and women, who in turn will be a help to teach others also.

Thierry(Lawyer): This course has added a lot to my faith. I knew a lot about the Bible, but now I understand so much better. I particularly liked the course on Bible knowledge, and on Bible prophecy, also how to find God’s will and understand how God works in more details. This course has given me a good foundation and has improved and deepened my teaching. I now have the means to help a lot of people who don’t know how to be in constant communion with God on a daily basis.
I want to continue to work with you and preach the Good News everywhere, and also to teach others how to be born again, how to walk with God, how to commune with God, how to understand God’s will, how to practice it, so they can find God’s blessings, how to live every day as a Christian. The life of a Christian is wonderful, that’s what true life is, but without God’s love and the Holy Spirit, it’s not life.

Alain, our first graduate since 2004, and friend Godé (soon to also graduate):I have graduated 3 years ago from the 12 FS and I thank the Lord for this graduation today. I met the Family for the first time in 2004, through an Activated magazine, that really strengthened me. I was going through a lot in my life at the time. After reading it, I wrote to the address on the magazine, who put me in touch with Marie who was in South Africa, and we started communicating by internet. When the missionaries came in 2003, they phoned me and I started the classes with them, and I am the first one who graduated. Then the Lord called me to continue to work with them. After they left, I continued on my own to teach. When they came back after one year, they were surprised to see how many students there were. Now I can see the Family is starting to make an impact here in Congo and I’m convinced that the whole capital will be evangelized. So I thank the Lord for that. I want to encourage everyone to take this Bible course, either by email or by attending our weekly meetings, as it will change your lives.

Joseph(35 yrs, Marketting) and wife Fidélise: Thank you so much to the Family for all you have taught me. I started serving the Lord even since I was a child, but like the Bible says that my people perish for lack of knowledge, the teachings of the Family have taught me so much more. It’s like I had a little light of knowledge, but the Family was like a bright projector that shed light on everything. All I want to do is to put to use all the gifts the Lord has given me to walk with the Love of Jesus. I don’t want to be quiet in front of evil, I have to correct what is bad inside me and also what is bad around me. I have learned so much from the Family how to communicate in love. So that’s what I want to do, to try to communicate what I have learned to others, so I’m asking God to help me. On TV and on the radio, we hear people say a lot about the Lord, but we also see and hear a lot of mistakes, so we need to tell the truth. The first day I met the Family, I understood that without love we can do nothing. I have learned a lot about my weaknesses, I understood that to go further I have to learn that others also need this love, even if you have millions and millions of dollars, you cannot do anything without love. Love is the most important thing, and it is the law of Love that Jesus came to give us and to show us, and that is what I want to share with others.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Participating in Pastors' Convention

This month we had the opportunity to participate in a Convention for Pastors from Kinshasa's surrounding areas, by showing our Bible documentary called "Armaggedon and Beyond", which is a study of Daniel Chapter 2, and shows the amazing fulfillment of these ancient prophecies in today's world, as well as our soon coming future. (Please feel free to check out this DVD at

Friday, July 18, 2008

Brave visitors from abroad

This past week, one of Wolfgang's (see picture below) sponsors from Germany came to spend a week with us with his 15 year old son. Even though general manager of an international company, he pitched in every task along with us, and endured the bumpy rides to and from Kikimi and Kisenso villages. We even had a car break down on the way back from Kikimi, which took hours to fix, but they walked miles with us to find help, and then pushed the car on difficult terrain. You can see Andreas below helping prepare the food packages to be delivered the next day to the orphans. God bless them.

Patrick, our new Bible student from Brazzaville, joined us to help prepare the food packages.

Recent visit to Kikimi orphans

For our Bible study this time, the children acted out the story of the fiery furnace, where Shadrach, Meshah and Ebednego got thrown into the fiery furnace built by Nabucchednezzar, for refusing to worship his golden image. There was a part for each child and they all had great fun as they learned of the miracle the Lord did to save His children who refused to compromise.

We wanted to thank you for your prayers for little Martha, who has now fully recovered of a very close call with combined malaria and thyphoid fever. Once we build our school, we plan to also set up a well and water filter, which will help eliminate many of the water-born diseases the children often suffer from.

Dear Andreas and Marcos helped to distribute all the food packages to very thankful children. A couple of days earlier, one of our Lebanese friends had donated boxes of cookies, which made an unexpected treat to the orphans.

Pastor Theophile keeps an accurate record of each child, and of the food each one receives.